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Shop OneEleven

Shop through a wide variety of finely crafted handmade products. Explore uncommon and elegant jewelry made from unique materials such as Recycled Skateboards, Aerospace Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, Fordite, Surfboard Resin and more.

Carbon Fiber | Recycled Skateboard Inlay


Carbon Fiber | Recycled Skateboard Inlay


Carbon Fiber is the perfect backdrop and contrast to pair with these Recycled Skateboards. This ring is made from a solid piece of side cut Carbon Fiber with a wide inlay of Recycled Skateboard. The wide inlay allows for the veneer layers to be shown off. The Carbon Fiber frames the Recycled Skateboard on both sides to create a sleek appearance.

- Standard width is 10 - 12 mm. Please specify upon checkout. -


Please allow 3 (+) weeks for your order to be shipped. Each ring is handmade to your order. I strive to offer quality products with attention to detail. These are not factory made by any means.

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